Understanding as the first change management tool.

30 Juin 2017   •   no comments   

Mergers and acquisitions…. You hear it daily.  Especially banks and insurance companies are targets today.  During this period of change, people feel uncertain, rumours start, jealousy arizes when people will loose their jobs, new colleagues are distrusted.

While the top management for obvious strategic reasons cannot transparently communicate its changes to all levels, it is important to keep understanding high between people so as to keep unity and the level of efficiency and productivity,

The financial department of Generali-Victoria was challenged recently with such a merger. As part of the change management, Marc J de Turck was invited as guest speaker on a seminar on communication in a challenging, changing environment.

Marc stressed the understanding between people and its 3 elements (Affinity, Reality and Communication, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard). In a funny and dynamic way he gave the attendees tools to better understand each other in a challenging new environment.

The results will be visible in a couple of months.








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