Notre But.

Aider les chefs d’entreprise et les leaders d’organisations privées, publiques et sociales à faire de leurs rêves positifs une réalité pour tous et à changer leurs conditions pour le bien de tous.

Nos Services.

Nous délivrons des formations présentielles, des webinars, des séances de coaching, des séances de consultance, de l’aide personnelle ad-hoc, des livres et des vidéos, le tout de façon amusante, dynamique, efficace et réussie.

Nos Sources.

Tous nos services sont basés sur notre propre expérience et les données du Système de Gestion Hubbard (Hubbard Management System)©.

Notre Fondateur.

IDEAS Intl. a été créée par Marc J. de Turck en 1994.

Marc J. de Turck est né à Bruxelles, le 05/02/1962. Déjà tout jeune, Marc voulait devenir conseiller de leaders et chefs d’entreprise. Il a été gradué en 1986 avec un Masters Degree en Business Economique, à l’Université Catholique de Leuven, en Belgique.

Il a commencé sa carrière chez Arthur Andersen Consulting en 1986. En 1989, il est devenu conseiller organisationnel de politiciens de haut niveau et de représentants gouvernementaux en Belgique. En tant que tel, il a conseillé différentes institutions Belges concernant des points stratégiques et organisationnels.

En 1994, il a découvert les travaux spirituels de Mr L. Ron Hubbard et le Hubbard Management System© et est devenu consultant et formateur certifié. Marc a formé et coaché plus de 30.000 managers dans 20 pays.

Ayant étudié beaucoup de systèmes de management auparavant, il a considéré ce système comme le système de management le PLUS AVANCE et le PLUS COMPLET qu’il ait jamais connu. De ce fait, très vite après sa certification de Consultant Hubbard ©, en 1994, il a fondé sa propre compagnie de formation et coaching, basée sur ce système, appelée IDEAS.

En 1999, IDEAS est devenue une société et a actuellement différents Associés à travers l’Europe.

En 2006, lors de la Journée Internationale du Patron, IDEAS a inclus le programme Patron Libre (FreeBoss) et devint IDEAS FreeBoss.


Marc est heureux en ménage avec Monique De Clerck.
Ils ont une fille, Alice, et un petit-fils, Mathéo.
Marc et Monique sont socialement actifs, en aidant de manière personnelle lors de situations difficiles et aussi avec de la prévention et réhabilitation aux drogues. Pour plus d’informations sur ces dernières, visitez le site :

Vous désirez en savoir plus à propos de Marc?

Nos Partenaires


Darina Maleeva-Tzvetanova

Partner IDEAs Bulgaria.
The Hubbard Management System and IDEAS gave me the tools that I needed to better improve and control my work. I stand before you today strongly convinced in two things- there is no problem I cannot handle and the Management Technology really works (first-hand information).

Monique De Clerck

Partner IDEAs Bulgaria.

Due to the exceptional Administrative Technology, IDEAS is providing expansion, freedom and happiness to company owners, managers and workers. To work with the IDEAS’team and its boss, my husband, is a pleasure and an honor. I love to help to contribute to a better environment and happier people! IDEAS gives me the opportunity to achieve it!


consulting training companyNevena Topalova

Partner IDEAS Bulgaria
My work is to help you with information so we could improve and change for good the business environment together. This happens thanks to exceptionally precise technology created by Mr. LR Hubbard, which provides a solution to every problem, in business and personally.


Sergio Mazarakis

CEO & Founder Business Coaching Lab
Associate Partner Trainer IDEAS FreeBoss Intl
I really enjoy working with IDEAS and Marc de Turck. We have organized many seminars in Greece with Marc de Turck with great success and Greek people really love him! Marc has a unique way of delivering seminars and workshops, communicating valuable data in order to help business owners expand their activities. He is a great guy, friend, coach and associate and he is really passionate about what he is doing.

Hristiana Sharlopova

Professional Language Trainer-Translator-Interpreter
Associate Partner IDEAS FreeBoss Intl.

Krasimir Savov

Senior Trainer
Associate Partner IDEAS FreeBoss Intl.

Hristiana Illieva

Marketing Professional
Associate Partner IDEAS FreeBoss Intl.

Performia is an International company, with offices in 20 countries and many more in the pipeline. Mr. Marten Runow has worked in the field of hiring for over 20 years, specializing in the use of testing for the purpose of hiring and increasing productivity in a company. We use Personality analysis and Performance Checking frequently, but also many other tests such as Leadership index, IQ test, etc, in order to find the best candidates to help our clients hire productive people who will be assets to the company.
The HCA has as a mission to help you have a rewarding and satisfying career you don’t want to end. A career that remains as fresh and exciting as the moment you made the decision that that’s what you want to do with your life. We want you to be able to look back on your life knowing you’ve achieved your goals, fulfilled your purpose, received your rewards, and had a great time doing it. Whether you’re choosing a career fresh out of high school and would like an Associate Degree or you want to realize the passion you’d hoped for in your career through one of our continuing education Certificate Programs, we can help you make your dreams a reality.

Sales Academy is representing Grant Cardone University.

IDEAS is a partner of NIK academy, delivering solutions to farmers.
IDEAS is a sponsor of New Generation Families, caring about the future of families by delivering training, consulting, personal coaching, and ad-hoc help.