Bulgarian managers learn how not be become crazy from developped traffic.

5 Octobre 2015   •   no comments   
Sofia, Hilton Hotel, Monday October 5th 2015.
Marc de Turck holds a lecture on 51 ways to turn a manager crazy and what to do about it.

The lecture is based on the references of Mr L.Ron Hubbard on developed traffic (traffic which should not occur in an efficient organisation and which is thus developed) and how this is the « delirium tremens » of any organization.

The lecture is an introduction on the special seminar which will take place on November 3th 2015 in Sofia, Suites Hotel.  At the same time a special guest speaker is announced for November 3rh .
Mr Georges Aslanis, the President of WISE, The Hubbard Management System Consultants and Trainers Association for Europe.

More info on www.obuchenia.eu and www.marcdeturck.com

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