50 Macedonian business people also find their path to freedom with Mr. Georges Aslanis

6 Novembre 2015   •   no comments   

Skopje, November 5th, 2015. The local IDEAS FreeBoss office in the Republic of Macedonia,  headed by Verica Mazevska with her partner Ivana Panovska continued the tour of Mr. Georges Aslanis, President WISE Europe, which started in Sofia, Bulgaria.
(See our earlier newsletter of 3 11 2015).

50 Macedonian business people also find their path to freedom out of the economic rat-race in the continued tour of Mr. Georges Aslanis.

Mr. Aslanis stressed again the importance of balancing cope and organizing in order to find the path to freedom for a manager so that he can be more able to play the important game of finding a « blue ocean » out of the red ocean full of competitive sharks

Want to know more about how to survive and make time free to create a blue ocean? www.freeboss.eu

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